Friday, March 13, 2009

The Measure of a Lady Book Review

The Measure of a Lady
By Deeanne Gist

Twenty year-old Rachel van Buren has been unexpectedly thrust into the parental role to her two teenage siblings. And boy do they not like that!

Carrying out rules that a proper young lady should live by in 19th century San Fransisco seems next to impossible. Where gold fevered men and women of ill repute are the sole citizens, Rachel finds her protective task more than she can handle.

Rachel must learn the hard way that she must trust God solely with her own life as well as those of her family and community. Will her ideas of what the measure of a lady should be remain unchanged or will she flee that horrible place the moment any ship leaves the port?

This book took a little longer to get me hooked into the story, but into the first few chapters I wanted to know what would happen next! In the end it left a few of my questions unanswered. So I would definitely read a sequel if Ms. Gist would write one!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tracie Peterson's Alaskan Quest Series Review

Alaskan Quest Series
by Tracie Peterson

Book 1 - Summer of the Midnight Sun
Book 2 - Under the Northern Lights
Book 3 - Whispers of Winter

I really enjoyed this book series. It begins with the story of brother and sister duo Leah and Jacob Barringer. Orphaned at a young age it has been "just the two of them" for a long time. They live together in the rugged terrain of 1915, unexplored and very harsh, Alaska in the small Indian village of Last Chance Creek.

They search for God's will in their lives and wonder if either one will ever find the person they are meant to marry. God brings people into their lives and lots of drama is sure to follow.

This series is full of dog sled adventures and near death experiences in the frozen wilderness. If you're a fan of a little suspense with a tad of romance then you will really enjoy this series.

Tracie Peterson does a great job making you believe you are in the blistery winds right therwith her characters. Her research on the history of Alaskan Indians and their way of life adds a very real theme to the book!

This series does follow the characters from her Yukon Quest series. I didn't know that when I read this series and it made a great stand alone series anyway!