Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Passion Denied Book Review

A Passion Denied
Daughters of Boston - Book 3
by Julie Lessman

Buckle your seat belts, and keep your eyes on the pages! You're in for one great ride!

Little sister, Elizabeth O'Connor, has blossomed into a modern woman of the roaring 20s, bent on loving John Brady, a man who refuses to love her back. Her hopes are dashed until, with the help of her sisters, Lissie summons her courage, determined to open Brady's eyes and make him notice she is no longer the little "Beth" he sees her as.

Plans go awry, leaving them with hurt feelings and lonely hearts.

Brady finally finds acceptance in God's forgiveness from his deeply hidden past, a life so contrary from the godly man Lizzie has grown to cherish. With his revelation, will the pain and disappointment she feels push her away forever?

Can she deny John forgiveness, and her heart the deep love she longs for? Can she go through with a marriage to someone else?

Continuing the O'Connor's family saga, book three in the Daughters of Boston series, A Passion Denied, will take you on a roller coaster of emotions; hilarious heights, heartbreaking drama, and pulse-pounding tension, all intertwined in the amazing plots Lessman readers have come to love and expect.

Julie Lessman's rich words of God's love and forgiveness weave a story so real, so powerful, you will want to read it over, and over, again. This won't be the last we hear from one of the best writers, in any market, today!